Plastic surgeons are like modern-day Fairy Godmothers.

By: Nick Masri MD

Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

It just occurred to me…

I know… fairy godmothers aren’t real.

But if they were…

They’d be a lot like plastic surgeons who can make your dream face and body come true!

Remember how Cinderella’s fairy godmother transformed her from a simple country bumpkin to a beautiful and elegant princess?

Well, plastic surgeons can do that for you as well.

But unlike fairy godmothers…

Plastic surgeons can’t give you your dream body with just one flick of their magic wands.

They have different levels of skill, experience, and expertise.

If you end up with a plastic surgeon who’s less skilled and experienced than you expected…

Then you can’t expect them to give you the EXACT body you want.

You might even end up more dissatisfied than before!

The good news is…

You can choose your plastic surgeon.

And trust me when I say that when they weave their magic on you…

The RIGHT plastic surgeon can boost your confidence with a well-proportioned body that you can flaunt and be proud of.

And no, your results won’t disappear at midnight. 😉

So, how do you find the BEST plastic surgeon for your needs?

Read the rest of this newsletter to find out.

To your dreams coming true,

Dr. Nick Masri

You can’t choose fairy godmothers, but you have a say on your chosen plastic surgeon. As such, you must be critical in selecting one—a plastic surgeon, that is. Here’s are the top five indicators of a credible plastic surgeon. Board Certification Medical boards attest to the qualifications and quality of procedures a surgeon offers. Ask […]

Roughly 17.5 million cosmetic procedures are done every year in the United States alone. Although reasons vary from one individual to another, many admitted it’s hard to find a skilled, experienced plastic surgeon who suits their individual needs. This step-by-step guide will help you narrow down your choices and eventually select the best surgeon you’ll […]