Cosmetic surgery is exciting. You may be eager to experience the changes in your body that will boost your self-esteem and confidence.
Thus, you might also desire to speed up your recovery.
But it’s not just your recovery speed that’s important. More than that, it’s the quality that counts.
So, here are some tips to speed up your recovery and ensure long-lasting results after your plastic surgery:
Set Realistic Expectations
Remember that recovery is a process. After surgery, you will look and feel worse before you get better.
Bruising and swelling are common side effects of almost all cosmetic surgery procedures. You won’t see the full impact of your results for a few days, if not longer.
Stop Trying to Look Tough
It is critical to take the medications prescribed to you. Don’t let the pain overwhelm you; it will only hurt you by extending your recovery time.
Follow Your Healthcare Provider’s Instructions
Dr. Nick Masri and his team will tell you all you need to know during recovery. Follow their instructions down to the letter if you want top-quality results.
Some post-surgery instructions, like not taking a bath, swimming, or lifting anything heavy for the first few weeks after surgery, may limit your mobility.
Rather than contradicting Dr. Nick Masri MD, be patient and understand the reasons behind all of these instructions.
Avoid Skipping Follow-Up Appointments
Many patients skip their follow-up appointments due to various reasons.
But Dr. Nick Masri Miami will want to know how you are doing and how well your incisions are healing. They may also look for things you aren’t aware of, such as signs of infection.
So attend your follow-up consults to ensure you’re on the right track to recovery.
Care for Your Incision the Right Way
Many patients tend to go overboard in keeping their incisions clean. They want to scrub it and scrape away any scabs.
Unless Dr. Nidal Masri, plastic surgeon, instructs you otherwise, a gentle wash with soap and water is all your incision requires.
Move Around
Rest is essential after surgery, particularly in the first 48 hours. But do not misinterpret the advice by staying in bed all day.
The movement also helps your body heal and feel less pain. It also enhances blood circulation, healing you faster.
Walking is a gentle way to get back into shape. A quick walk around the house every hour can help prevent serious complications such as deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, which is a serious complication.
Avoid Smoking
As a general guideline, patients who smoke should abstain from smoking for at least six weeks before cosmetic surgery.
Smoking slows down the healing process. It can also lead to complications during recovery as smoking impedes your circulation.
But that doesn’t mean you should resume the habit after the surgery. As cliche as it may sound, smoking is still bad for your health.
Apply Ice Packs And Use Compression Garments
For surgical procedures such as a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation, or breast lift, you may need to use a compression garment for some time. This garment assists your body in controlling swelling and bruising. It also aids in body contouring by preventing skin wrinkling and increasing skin retraction.
Remember: Every patient and procedure is unique. Many factors can influence the recovery time after undergoing a surgical procedure. By carefully following Dr. Nidal Masri and his surgical team’s post-operative instructions, you can enjoy a breezy recovery with results guaranteed to last.