Dietary supplements

Drugs and Supplements To Avoid Before Surgery

While medicines, vitamins, and supplements help our bodies, some may cause risks and complications during and after surgery. 

Ingredients in some drugs, herbs, and vitamins can thin the blood and impact your operation and recovery. It is advised to avoid taking vitamins and supplements before cosmetic surgery to prevent bleeding and lessen bruising and swelling.

Professional plastic surgeons like Dr. Nidal Masri often inquire about their patients’ recent usage of drugs, herbs, and vitamins. They also assess whether it is safe to keep using these products before and after surgery.

The list of medications below is not recommended to take before plastic surgery.


NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, treat pain and inflammation. They also thin the blood, which might lead to more bleeding after surgery. Refraining from taking NSAIDs before surgery is advised as a safety measure.

Drugs with ibuprofen content, like Advil, Midol, and Naproxen, are examples of commonly used NSAIDs.

❌ TCAs

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are also not recommended before cosmetic surgery. TCAs include medications like amitriptylinenortriptyline, imipramine, and doxepin.

These medications may cause blood pressure to increase and interact with other drugs needed for the procedure.

❌ Aspirin

Similar to NSAIDs, aspirin is a common drug with blood-thinning effects. Aspirin’s blood-thinning properties can be dangerous if you’re having surgery because they raise your chances of bleeding.

These widely-used drugs include BayerSalicylate, and Magnaprin products.

❌ Certain herbs

Herbs are also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. However, some of them have blood-thinning and anesthetic effects and may interact with other medications.

A few examples of herbs to avoid before your cosmetic surgery are the following:

  • Ginseng
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Ginger
  • Papaya
  • Red Clover
  • Garlic
  • St. Johns Wort

❌Vitamin E

Vitamin E supplements should also be avoided before your surgery. It can also increase the chances of bleeding, which could lead to hematoma formation and other complications.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is another drug to avoid before having surgery. It is typically found in cannabis plants that have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving capabilities without having any euphoric effects.

CBD can interact with the liver’s enzyme system, hindering the effectiveness of anesthesia medications and prescription painkillers.

Using CBD can impede the effects of drugs during and after surgery, which can cause complications.

Furthermore, using CBD regularly can heighten postoperative pain and opioid use, increasing the likelihood of developing opioid use disorder after surgery.

✅ Always Inform Your Healthcare Provider

Informing your plastic surgeon about your medications and supplements is essential. Give specific details on the types and frequency of your medication use, so they can evaluate the potential risks and benefits and give appropriate advice.

If your surgeon advises you to stop taking supplements or prescriptions, follow their instructions closely. This action is crucial for minimizing the risk of bleeding, bruising, and swelling and ultimately enhancing your overall surgery outcome.

You should not discontinue taking any essential medications or antidepressants without informing your surgeon first. Additionally, only take the medicines and vitamins your surgeon recommends after the surgery.

Find a surgeon who prioritizes the patient’s wellness. Dr. Nick Masri is a double-board certified plastic surgeon in Miami who can help you achieve your body goals.

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