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Your Initial Consultation Checklist: What Should You Ask Your Post-Bariatric Surgeon?

If you’re ready to show off the body you’ve worked so hard for, a post-bariatric surgery will help you showcase a rejuvenated you!

But before your body undergoes a massive transformation, you must first schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Nick Masri.

Not sure what to ask him? Here’s a checklist of questions you should ask to get all your bases covered.

About the Surgeon

  • How many years of surgical experience do you have?
  • Do you have sufficient experience in performing post-bariatric surgeries?
  • Are you licensed or board-certified? By whom?
  • Are you affiliated with hospitals or surgery centers that can provide post-surgery care?
  • Are you capable of handling emergencies during a post-bariatric surgery?
  • Do you have a portfolio of patients who’ve undergone the same procedure I’d like?
  • Are you willing to do a revision if you cannot achieve the intended results?

About the Surgery

  • Can you explain the process to me?
  • Will you perform the surgery using local or general anesthesia?
  • What are the risks I should know about the surgery?

About Your Physical Readiness

  • Am I a good candidate for the surgery?
  • Do I need to make lifestyle changes, eat balanced and nutritious meals, or engage in physical activity before the surgery?
  • Are there any medications I need to stop taking before, during, and after the surgery?
  • What preemptive measures do I need to make to prepare my body for the surgery?
  • Do I need to get a written confirmation from my physician to be considered?

About the Recovery

  • What should I expect during the recovery period?
  • Will I need assistance after the surgery? How long will I need it?
  • When can I do light tasks? Go back to school? Go back to the office?
  • Will I be required to take medications while recovering? What medications am I not allowed to take?
  • How long till I see the final results?
  • How long will the results last?

These questions will not only enlighten you but guide you throughout the process. Remember that surgery is only a fraction compared to other components required to achieve your desired results.If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to book a consultation with Dr. Nidal Masri to get one step closer to a toned and contoured body.

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